May 30, 2020

Declaración Del Reverendísimo Nelson J. Pérez En Relación Con La Muerte De George Floyd

Los corazones de los estadounidenses en todo el país están unidos en un luto colectivo tras la trágica, perturbadora e innecesaria muerte de George Floyd. En nombre del pueblo de la Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia, expreso mi más sentido pésame y me uno a todos los que están luchando para hacer frente esta pesada carga de […]

May 29, 2020

Statement of Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez Regarding the Death of George Floyd

The hearts of Americans across the country are joined together in collective mourning following the tragic, disturbing, and unnecessary death of George Floyd.

May 23, 2020

Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez Sends Letter to the Muslim Community on the Occasion of Eid Al-Fitr

Greetings to all of my sisters and brothers of the Muslim faith tradition as you begin the celebration of Eid al-Fitr! I wish to offer a greeting of peace and my congratulations on the conclusion of your month long vigil of fasting, prayer, and works of mercy.

April 13, 2020

Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez Sends Letter To The Jewish Community On The Occasion Of Passover

Greetings to all of my sisters and brothers of the Jewish faith tradition as you mark the holy days of Passover!