July 16, 2024

Declaración Del Arzobispo Nelson J. Pérez Tras La Violencia En Un Mitin Político En Pensilvania Hoy

Me sentí muy triste y profundamente consternado al enterarme del tiroteo que tuvo lugar hoy durante la reunión con el expresidente Donald Trump en Butler, Pensilvania Hago un llamado a la gente de la Iglesia en Filadelfia para que se unan a mí en oración por la rápida recuperación del expresidente Trump y del participante […]

July 13, 2024

Statement Of Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez Following Violence at Political Rally in Pennsylvania Today

I was deeply saddened and dismayed to learn of the shooting that took place today during a rally with former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. I call on the people of the Church in Philadelphia to join me in prayer for the swift recovery of Former President Trump and the attendee who was injured, […]

July 11, 2024

El Arzobispo Pérez Anuncia la Nueva Estructura del Decanato y los Decanos de la Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia

Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: Hace unas semanas, escribí una actualización detallada sobre las responsabilidades pastorales y administrativas que están asumiendo nuestros obispos auxiliares. En ese momento, señalé que a cada uno se le confiaría el cuidado pastoral de una de las cuatro Regiones Episcopales y supervisaría el trabajo de los decanos en su […]

July 1, 2024

Archbishop Pérez Announces New Deanery Structure and Deans for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, A few weeks ago, I wrote with a detailed update about the pastoral and administrative responsibilities being taken on by our auxiliary bishops. At that time, I noted that each would be entrusted with the pastoral care of one of four Episcopal Regions and oversee the work of the […]

April 22, 2024

Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez Sends Letter to the Jewish Community at Passover

Dear Friends in the Jewish Faith Community, Together with the people of the Catholic Church in Philadelphia, I extend peaceful greetings as you celebrate the holy days of Passover. In a time of turmoil and violence throughout the world, Passover and its promise are more timely than ever. No oppression, in any form, can overcome […]

April 10, 2024

Statement of Archbishop Nelson J. Perez Regarding Shooting in West Philadelphia at Eid al-Fitr Celebration Marking the Conclusion of Ramadan

I was deeply saddened to learn of the gun violence that erupted in the Parkside section of West Philadelphia this afternoon shattering an Eid al-Fitr celebration marking the conclusion of Ramadan. On behalf of the bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated religious, and lay faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, I extend heartfelt prayers and expressions of […]

March 12, 2024

Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez Sends Letter to the Muslim Faith Community on the Occasion of Ramadan

Dear Friends of the Muslim Faith Tradition, Together with the people of the Catholic Church in Philadelphia, I send peaceful greetings as you observe Ramadan. As the Vatican’s Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue expressed, “We, Christians and Muslims, are called to be bearers of hope, for the present life and for the life to come, and […]

February 16, 2024

Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez Sends Letter To The Catholic Asian Community On The Occasion Of The Lunar New Year

Together with the people of the Catholic Church in Philadelphia, I send warm greetings and prayerful best wishes to the Asian Catholic Community who recently ushered in the Lunar New Year.

January 12, 2024

Statement of Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez on the Observance of Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2024

On Monday, we will join with others throughout the country to commemorate the extraordinary legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

January 5, 2024

Statement Of Archbishop Pérez Regarding The Death Of Mr. Matthew H. McCloskey IV

Mr. McCloskey was a Catholic philanthropist and Philadelphia business leader who exhibited the true spirit of Missionary Discipleship throughout his life.