February 15, 2022

*Media Advisory* Archdiocese Of Philadelphia To Kick Off 47th Annual Rice Bowl Initiative

Rice Bowl is a Lenten almsgiving program of Catholic Relief Services, the official relief and development agency of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

For the 47th consecutive year, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will kick-off Catholic Relief Services’ (CRS) Rice Bowl, the nationwide Lenten program that provides people of all ages with ways to put their faith into action through prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

Friday, February 18, 2022
11:00 a.m.
Archdiocesan Pastoral Center (Auditorium)
222 North 17th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Most Reverend John J. McIntyre, Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia, will preside over this year’s Rice Bowl kick-off and blessing of the cardboard Rice Bowl containers.

He will be joined by Ms. Anne H. Ayella, director of the archdiocesan CRS office, who will offer remarks on Rice Bowl’s impact globally.

Ms. Lizanne Hagedorn, Executive Director of Nutritional Development Services, an agency of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia which provides food to children and those in need across the Greater Philadelphia region and benefits in part from Rice Bowl contributions, will offer remarks regarding Rice Bowl’s impact locally on hunger relief efforts. Ms. Lola DeCarlo-Coles, administrator of Catholic Social Services’ Southwest Philadelphia Family Service Center, whose food cupboard is supported by NDS, will also offer testimony.

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Editor’s Note: Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic Community in the United States. It is dedicated to improving the lives of poor and vulnerable families through humanitarian programs and services. For more information on CRS’ Rice Bowl please visit http://www.crsricebowl.org/.

For more information and Rice Bowl resources, please visit https://archphila.org/crsricebowl/.