For everyone, may the Jubilee be a moment of genuine, personal encounter with the Lord Jesus, the “door” (cf. Jn 10:7.9) of our salvation, whom the Church is charged to proclaim always, everywhere and to all as “our hope” (1 Tim 1:1). 

~Pope Francis, Spes Non Confundit 1

Introduction to the Jubilee

Official Prayer and Logos

Events and Pilgrimages in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Jubilee Pilgrimage Sites
Archbishop Pérez has designated the following Shrines within the Archdiocese as places to obtain the Jubilee Indulgence. 

Understanding the Jubilee Indulgences:  English / Español  



Information on the Jubilee Indulgence and the times for Confessions at these Shrines is coming soon. 


    • To the places of Baptism – The clergy and faithful are encouraged to visit the font of their Baptism, where their pilgrimage of hope began as Christians.
    • To the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC – This pilgrimage will be scheduled for a weekday during the Jubilee to allow for greater participation of clergy and students in all the schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

Annual Eucharistic Devotion – 40 Hours
Each parish, institution – including high schools, colleges and universities – and religious community is strongly encouraged to observe the Forty Hours Devotion during the Jubilee Year.  Dates that coincide with a parish or community feast, the anniversary of the dedication of the parish church or some other local significant date should direct the timing for this annual Eucharistic Devotion.

Click the icon below to find a 40 Hours Devotion near you:

Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation is where the redeeming love of Jesus Christ meets us personally and brings forgiveness to each of our sins. Let the Jubilee be a time of immersing ourselves in this great Sacrament of Hope! 

More Resources