Press Releases
Declaración Del Arzobispo Nelson J. Pérez Sobre La Muerte Del Oficial De Policía De Filadelfia Richard Méndez
Me entristeció profundamente enterarme de que el official Richard Méndez del Departamento de Policía fue asesinado a tiros mientras servía a nuestra ciudad en el cumplimiento del deber.
Saint Ephrem Catholic School in Bensalem to Host “Jag-a-Thon” Fundraiser
Saint Ephrem Catholic School (SEC) in Bensalem (Bucks County) will host its “Jag-a-Thon” fundraiser. It is a dance-a-thon named in honor of the school’s mascot, “The Jaguar.” The fundraising goal is $30,000 to fund needed upgrades to the school cafeteria. Reverend Michael Speziale, Pastor of Saint Ephrem Parish, will participate in the daylong festivities with […]
Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez To Celebrate Mass of Thanksgiving for the 100th Anniversary of Saint Martin of Tours Parish in Philadelphia
Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D.D., Archbishop of Philadelphia, will be the principal celebrant of a Mass of Thanksgiving for the 100th anniversary of Saint Martin of Tours Parish in Philadelphia. Saturday, October 14, 2023 4:00 p.m. Saint Martin of Tours 5450 Roosevelt Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19124 Reverend Efren V. Esmilla, Pastor of Saint Martin […]
Bishop Shanahan High School Earns National Certificate for STEM Excellence
School to host showcase and celebration of STEM projects and awards. Bishop Shanahan High School in Downingtown (Chester County) will celebrate earning a National Certificate for STEM Excellence and six teachers earning STEM Teaching Certificates. Bishop Shanahan is the first school in Pennsylvania to achieve this designation from the National Institute for STEM education. To […]
Declaración Del Arzobispo Nelson J. Pérez Sobre El Ataque Terrorista Contra Israel Y El Conflicto Armado En Tierra Santa
Este fin de semana, vi con profundo dolor cómo Israel fue atacado repentinamente por Hamas y el conflicto armado se intensificó con gran ferocidad; la paz en Tierra Santa, que es sagrada para cristianos, judíos y musulmanes, ha sido una vez más violentamente destruida por los terroristas. En los últimos días, las noticias han detallado […]
Statement of Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez Regarding the Terrorist Attack on Israel and Armed Conflict in The Holy Land
This weekend, I watched with deep sorrow as Israel was attacked suddenly by Hamas and armed conflict intensified with great ferocity. Peace in the Holy Land, which is sacred to Christians, Jews, and Muslims, has once again been violently shattered by terrorists. Over the past few days, news reports have detailed unspeakable atrocities and great […]
Bishops Chairmen Announce Launch of National Catholic Mental Health Campaign and Novena
Statement of U.S. Bishops’ International Justice and Peace Chairman Amidst Violence in the Holy Land
Catholic Social Services’ Northeast Family Service Center to Host Annual Free Community Baby Shower
The event will include pregnancy and parenting education, games, raffles, and light refreshments.
Regina Stango Kelbon, Esq. to Receive 2023 Magis Award From Project Magis, an Initiative of the Catholic Charities Appeal
The award will be conferred at the annual Project Magis cocktail reception.