Press Releases
USCCB: USCCB Special Task Force Releases Written Report And Recommendations On Promoting Peace In Our Communities
Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: Building a Bridge to Others
We need to be ready to be the instruments that God will use in the world.
More Than 1,200 Archdiocesan Fall Student Athletes Recognized for Academic Achievements
On behalf of the Office of Catholic Education and Faith in the Future, Sister Maureen McDermott, IHM, PhD, Superintendent for Secondary Schools, has announced the inaugural honorees of the 2016 Archdiocese of Philadelphia “Fall Sports Scholar-Athlete Honor Roll,” which recognizes the achievements of high school student-athletes of the 17 Archdiocesan high schools who have earned first or second academic honors in the first quarter marking period while competing in fall sports including: field hockey, soccer, golf, cross country, girls’ tennis, football, and girls’ volleyball.
Columna del Arzobispo Chaput: Navidad 2016
La Navidad es la segunda fiesta grande entre las tres celebraciones que tiene el Año Cristiano siendo número uno la Pascua de la Resurrección y el tercero la Fiesta de Pentecostés.
USCCB: National Migration Week 2017 To Be Celebrated January 8-14
USCCB: A Christmas Message From The President Of The U.S. Conference Of Catholic Bishops
Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: Christmas 2016
Christmas ranks second among the three greatest feasts of the Christian year, the first being Easter, the third being Pentecost. No one knows the time of year when Jesus was actually born.
The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul: Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Mass Schedule
Schedule of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses
USCCB: A Statement From The USCCB President On This Weekend’s Bombings And Church Collapse
Archdiocese of Philadelphia Announces Closure of Worship Sites in the City of Philadelphia as well as Chester and Montgomery Counties
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. has approved the relegation of the Saint Augustine Church building, the Saint Therese of the Child Jesus Church building, the Saint Madeleine Sophie Church building and the original Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church building to profane but not sordid use.