Press Releases
The Catholic Foundation Of Greater Philadelphia Partners With Catholic Housing And Community Services To Address Aging Populations In Philadelphia
The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia has selected Catholic Housing and Community Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (formerly Catholic Health Care Services) as its official partner and beneficiary for the first quarter if its inaugural Community Outreach Initiative.
Columna del arzobispo Chaput: Hacia una experiencia más profunda de Cuaresma
La historia es una gran maestra, a veces de maneras inusuales y muy personales.
Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: Toward a Deeper Experience of Lent
History is a great teacher, sometimes in unusual and very personal ways. Here’s an example. Reading the Reichskonkordat (“Reich concordat” with the German state) today, 85 years after its 1933 signing, sparks some interesting thoughts. Structured as a treaty to govern the relations between the Holy See and German government, the text is remarkably positive. […]
Archdiocese of Philadelphia to Celebrate Feast of Saint Katharine Drexel
Faithful throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia are invited to celebrate the feast day of Saint Katharine Drexel, a native Philadelphian and the second American-born saint canonized by the Catholic Church. Saturday, March 3, 2018 4:15 p.m. (Confessions) 5:15 p.m. (Anticipated Mass) Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul 18th Street and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway […]
Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: Charity, Clarity, and their Opposite
Nearly everyone trying to understand the current government turmoil in Washington is either (a) pre-committed to one or the other political party’s version of events; or (b) thoroughly confused. Most of us fall more or less in the second group. And that means a great many citizens end up feeling powerless, then disgusted, then angry. […]
Archdiocesan High Schools and Parochial Elementary Schools Throughout the Five-County Archdiocese of Philadelphia to be Closed Thursday, February 8, 2018
In order to permit members of all our school communities to participate in this celebration, Archdiocesan high schools in the suburban counties will also be closed on February 8th.
Statement of Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Congratulating the Philadelphia Eagles on their Victory in Super Bowl LII
The Eagles are the Cinderella Team, a whole organization of character, courage and refusal to quit.
Catholic Charities Appeal Partners With Philadelphia Sixers For Catholic Charities Night
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Catholic Charities Appeal is partnering with the Philadelphia 76ers for “Catholic Charities Night” at the Wells Fargo Center.
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. will be the main celebrant and homilist at the Ash Wednesday Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, Wednesday February 14, 2018.
Cardinal O’Hara High School To Host Don Guanella And Divine Providence Night At O’Hara For Men And Women With Intellectual And Developmental Disabilities
The Communities of Don Guanella and Divine Providence (DGV/DPV), a division of Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia serving men and women with intellectual and developmental disabilities, will attend Don Guanella and Divine Providence Night at O’Hara hosted by Cardinal O’Hara High School’s Girls Basketball team and Community Service Corps.