October 20, 2021

Saints Simon and Jude Community Collects Over 500 Jars of Peanut Butter and Jelly to Support the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Nutritional Development Services Annual PB&J Drive

Saints Simon and Jude (SSJ) Parish and School community in West Chester (Chester County) participated in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Nutritional Development Services (NDS) annual PB&J Drive. SSJ’s Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) also contributed in support of this hunger relief effort.  

SSJ students and parishioners will be on hand to help load the NDS truck with boxes containing over 500 jars of donated PB&J.

9:30 a.m.  
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Saints Simon and Jude School
6 Cavanaugh Court
West Chester, PA 19382

All goods donated to this annual drive help stock the shelves of NDS’ network of 50 food cupboards throughout the Greater Philadelphia region for the fall and winter months. The beneficiary sites include five food cupboards operated by Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (CSS); five soup kitchens; and numerous community outreach programs.

In Pennsylvania, nearly 1.5 million people face food insecurity and lack consistent access to foods that support an active and healthy lifestyle.

Last year, NDS collected approximately 45,590 pounds of PB&J for those in need and facing hunger.

This year’s collection took place from Tuesday, September 7 through Wednesday, October 27, 2021. SSJ is one of 25 Archdiocesan schools or PREP programs throughout the five-county region to participate in this initiative.

Background Information on Saints Simon and Jude School

Saints Simon and Jude School (SSJ) is a co-educational Catholic elementary school educating children in preschool through grade 8. The United States Department of Education recognized SSJ’s strong academic program in 2017 by naming us as a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence.

The SSJ school experience is enhanced by extracurricular activities for students with a wide array of interests including: science, sports, robotics, reading, public speaking, singing, performing arts, instrumental music, cooking, and community service.

SSJ has a before and after school CARES program. Financial aid is available for all families who qualify. For additional information about SSJ, please visit school.simonandjude.org/.

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Editor’s Note: For information about Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, please visit aopcatholicschools.org/.

For 47 years, Nutritional Development Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s (NDS) mission has been to serve children and those in need with healthy food. NDS accomplishes its mission in two distinct ways: by administering the federally-funded child nutrition programs and through the privately supported Community Food Program. For more information about NDS, please visit nutritionaldevelopmentservices.org/. NDS is an equal opportunity service provider.


Meredith Wilson
Media and Events Specialist