December 6, 2022

Saint Lucy School for Children with Visual Impairments to Celebrate “Lucy Day”

Saint Lucy School students to celebrate the Feast of Saint Lucy with Mass followed by Christmas Concert and Open House.

Saint Lucy School for Children with Visual Impairments (Saint Lucy School) in Northeast Philadelphia will celebrate the feast of Saint Lucy with a special Mass for the school community.

Reverend Michael Reilly, the Pastor of Saint Jerome Parish will be the principal celebrant. Saint Lucy School students will participate as readers and provide music.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022
10:00 a.m.
Saint Jerome Church
8100 Colfax Street
Philadelphia, PA 19136

Following Mass, Saint Lucy School will hold its Christmas Concert under the direction of Ms. Maria Ceferatti. The students will perform musical selections including Santa Lucia, The Prayer, and Jingle Bells in Arabic.

In addition, Saint Lucy’s will host an open house for those interested in the school. During the summer of 2022, Saint Lucy School moved from Holy Innocents Parish School to its new site at Saint Jerome.

Background Information on Saint Lucy School for Children with Visual Impairments

Saint Lucy is one of three schools of special education in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Saint Lucy School for Children with Visual Impairments, Our Lady of Confidence School, and Saint Katherine School meet the needs of students with visual and sensory impairments, physical impairments as well as those on the autism spectrum in the tradition of Catholic education and values.

Saint Lucy School for Children with Visual Impairments was founded in 1955 and exists to provide a spiritual environment where education is based on faith and centered upon academic instruction and the Expanded Core Curriculum.  Saint Lucy’s believes that each child is endowed with diverse, valuable gifts; therefore, they empower students to realize their greatest potential so that they may fulfill their responsibility to serve God and others.

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Editor’s Note: For information about the schools of special education in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, please visit


Meredith Wilson
Media and Events Specialist