Saint Gabriel’s Out-of-School (OST) Time Program, a ministry of Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (CSS), will celebrate the culmination of its year-long “Write Brain” literacy program with a children’s author event.
The “Write Brain” literacy program, made possible through a grant from the Mayor’s Fund, teaches writing strategies and techniques to children through the use of games and activities.
The program concludes with the children presenting their self-authored books that are professionally illustrated, printed, and bound.
Friday, May 3, 2019
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Saint Gabriel Hall
2917 Dickinson Street
Philadelphia, PA 19146
In addition to the culmination of the “Write Brain” literacy program, Saint Gabriel will also celebrate the opening of their new library. In the fall of 2018, Saint Gabriel received a $1,475 grant from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation which was used to transform an empty space into a library designed by the students.
Victoria Robson, Director of Saint Gabriel’s OST Program said, “One of our goals this year was to include more literacy in our programming. We achieved this goal by renovating an under-utilized space and turning it into a library, receiving a grant from Dollar General, and purchasing new books by creating and implementing various Project Based Learning Units that centered entirely on literacy. We also received a grant from the Mayor’s Fund which enabled us to purchase the Write Brain program.”
Saint Gabe’s “Write Brain” literacy program currently serves 52 children in kindergarten through seventh grade.
Editor’s Note: Established in 2013, Saint Gabriel’s Out-of-School-Time Program (OST) serves at-risk children in grades kindergarten through sixth grade. During the academic year, the program supports working families by offering a safe and academically inspiring environment to children and youth. Dedicated staff provides challenging and engaging learning experiences that help children develop the social, emotional, physical, and academic skills vital to future educational achievement.
For more than 20 years, CSS has served at-risk children and youth in grades K-12 through OST programs. For more information, please visit http://cssoutofschooltime.org/
Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia