St. James

Page last updated 8 months ago

Founded: 1923
Address: Brookside Rd.
Rectory Address: 8320 Brookside Rd., Elkins Park 19027
Rectory Email: [email protected]
Rectory Phone: 215-635-6210
Rectory Fax: 215-635-3346
Pastor: Rev. Andrew Labatorio, C.I.C.M. (Parochial Administrator) in residence at Our Lady of Hope, Philadelphia
Permanent Deacons: Deacon Mark A. Salvatore
Other Parish Information:

Parish Business Manager: Iris M. Espanol
Director of Religious Education: Jeanna Lane

Mass Times: Vigil Mass, Saturdays, 5 PM. Sundays, 8:30, 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM. Holydays, 8 AM; 7 PM. Weekdays, Monday through Friday, 8 AM.
Confessions: Saturdays, 4:20-4:50 PM.
Accessibility Information:

Church: Accessible entrances, curb cuts, ramps and parking near accessible entrances for churches with parking lots. Sufficiently wide and level approach or gradually sloping ramp to door; doorway wider than 32 inches, with automatic door or one that is easily opened with minimum pressure or usher assistance; parking spaces large enough to accommodate vans with access aisle for discharge on either side of van; parking spaces designated with proper signage.


Fox Chase Rd. from Meeting House Rd. to Cedar Rd.; to Shelmire Rd.; to Holme Rd.; to Cottman St.; to Church Rd.; to Beryl Rd.; to Tookany Creek Parkway; to 2nd St.; to Ashbourne Rd.; to Mill Rd.; to Melrose Ave.; to York Rd.; to Ashbourne Rd.; to Washington La.; to Rock La. (excluded); to Church Rd.; to Meeting House Rd.; to Fox Chase Rd.