St. Athanasius

Page last updated 9 months ago

Founded: 1928
Address: Limekiln Pk. and Walnut La.
Rectory Address: 2050 East Walnut La. 19138
Rectory Email: [email protected]
Rectory Phone: 215-548-2700
Rectory Fax: 215-548-7453
Pastor: Rev. Joseph F. Okonski
In Residence: Rev. Anayo Nna, C.Ss.R.
Permanent Deacons: Deacon James L. Mahoney
Other Parish Information:

Parish Administrative Assistant: Theodore Travis
Worship Site: St. Benedict Church

Mass Times: Weekend Mass: Sat. Vigil 4 pm at St. Athanasius • Sunday: 8 am at St. Benedict, 10 am at St. Athanasius • Daily Mass, Mon thru Friday 9 am in St. Athanasius Church. Adoration Tuesday following the 9 am Mass until 6 pm.
Confessions: After all weekend Masses.
Students Attend:

St. Athanasius School


Limekiln Pike and Middleton St., 19138

School Phone: 215-424-5045
School Fax: 215-927-6615
School Principal: Andrea Tomaino
School Teachers: Lay Faculty

Old York Rd. from Ashbourne Rd.; to Broad St.; to Nedro Ave., to 21st St.; to Kemble Ave.; to Church La., to 21st St.; to Laveer St., to Wister St.; to Stenton Ave.; to Washington La.; to Lowber Ave.; to Cliveden St.; to Fayette St.; to 76th Ave. to Washington Ln.; to Ashbourne Rd.; to Old York Rd.