St. Ambrose

Page last updated 9 months ago

Founded: 1923
Address: C St. and Roosevelt Blvd.
Rectory Address: 401 E. Roosevelt Blvd. 19120
Rectory Email: [email protected]
Rectory Phone: 215-329-7900; 215-329-7901
Rectory Fax: 215-329-9206
Pastor: Rev. Charles J. Ravert
Permanent Deacons: Deacon Patrick J. Kennedy
Other Parish Information:

Director of Religious Education: Theresa Brown

Mass Times: Vigil Mass, Saturdays, 4 PM. Sundays, 9, 10:30 (Spanish) AM. Holydays, 8 AM; 7 PM (Bilingual). Weekdays, 8 AM. Saturdays, 8 AM.
Confessions: Saturdays, 3:15-4 PM.
Students Attend:

St. Martin of Tours Parish School


Reading R.R. (Frankford Branch) from Newtown Branch to Pennsylvania R.R. (Oxford Branch); to Roosevelt Blvd.; to eastern property line of Friends Hospital to Frankford Creek; to Pennsylvania R.R. (Oxford Branch); to Bristol St.; to Reading R.R. (Newtown Branch); to Reading R.R. (Frankford Branch).