Our Lady of Peace

Page last updated 9 months ago

Founded: 1922
Address: 208 Milmont Ave., Milmont Park
Rectory Address: 501 Belmont Ave., Milmont Park 19033
Rectory Email: [email protected]
Rectory Phone: 610-532-8081
Rectory Fax: 610-862-3969
Web Site: olpparish.org
Pastor: Rev. Joseph C. McCaffrey
Parochial Vicars: Rev. John Bosco Sammanasunathan, S.d.C. (Part time)
Permanent Deacons: Deacon William A. Koniers, Deacon John J. Ellis, Jr.
Other Parish Information:

Merged with Notre Dame de Lourdes, Swarthmore: 2014
Director of Religious Education: Mary Beinlich
Parish Business Manager: Sister Rosemary Walsh, I.H.M.
Worship Site: Notre Dame de Lourdes Church, Swarthmore

Mass Times: Vigil Mass, Saturdays, 4:30 PM. Sundays, 7:30, 11:30 AM; 10 AM at Notre Dame Church. Holydays, to be announced. Weekdays, 8:30 AM.
Confessions: Saturdays, 3:30-4:15 PM and by appointment.
Students Attend:

Notre Dame de Lourdes School


990 Fairview Road, Swarthmore, 19081

School Web: www.notredamedelourdes.net
School Email: [email protected]
School Phone: 610-328-9330
School Fax: 610-328-3955
School Principal: Diana Pileggi
Accessibility Information:

Church: Accessible entrances, curb cuts, ramps and parking near accessible entrances for churches with parking lots. Sufficiently wide and level approach or gradually sloping ramp to door; doorway wider than 32 inches, with automatic door or one that is easily opened with minimum pressure or usher assistance; parking spaces large enough to accommodate vans with access aisle for discharge on either side of van; parking spaces designated with proper signage.


Riverview Rd. from Baltimore Pk. to Swarthmore Ave.; to MacDade Blvd.; to Kedron Ave.; to B&O R.R. to Fairview Rd.; to Jefferson Ave.; extended to MacDade Blvd.; to Ridley Creek; to Crum Creek; to Baltimore Pk.; to Riverview Rd.