September 25, 2024

Lansdale Catholic High School Community to Celebrate 75th Anniversary with Mass

Most Reverend Keith J. Chylinski, Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia, will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving for the 75th Anniversary of Lansdale Catholic High School (LC).

Tuesday, October 1, 2024
9:15 a.m.
Saint Stanislaus Church
51 Lansdale Avenue
Lansdale, PA 19446

The Mass will be celebrated at Saint Stanislaus Church in Lansdale (Montgomery County). This church has deep significance to the LC community as the school was founded there in 1949. At the time it was known as Little Flower Catholic High School of Lansdale. October 1st marks the Feast Day of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, the Patron Saint of Lansdale Catholic High School.

During Mass, LC’s student government officers for the 2024-2025 academic year will be installed. Chase Anderson ’25, Student Government President, will address those present. Ms. Meghan Lister Callen ’96, President of LC, will recognize Mr. Stephen Probert, who is celebrating his 50th year at the school. Mr. Probert is a legendary, retired LC English teacher and track coach who still works at the school greeting students each morning. He will be presented with a book of letters, notes, and cards from alumni over his five decades at the school.  

Representatives from the Ambassador’s Fund for Catholic Education; Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools (BLOCS); the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Office of Catholic Education; and Lansdale Catholic High School’s Board of Directors will be present. Retired faculty and staff along with partner parish and regional elementary school principals are slated to attend.

Following Mass, a reception celebration will take place at the school’s gymnasium; 700 Lansdale Ave; Lansdale, PA 19446.

History of Lansdale Catholic High School
In September 1949, the school opened in a building on the grounds of Saint Stanislaus Parish in Lansdale with only a freshman class. It was named Little Flower Catholic High School of Lansdale, Pennsylvania, after its patron Saint, Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. 

Each succeeding year, another class was added. In 1953, commencement exercises were held for the first graduating class of 33 students. That building still stands on the grounds of Saint Stanislaus Parish today and is named Little Flower Hall.

The driving force behind the establishment of the school was Monsignor Joseph Schade, who was then serving as Pastor of Saint Stanislaus Parish. He was aided in his efforts by the willingness of the Sisters of Saint Francis of Philadelphia, who initially staffed the school, with Sister M. Theresa Clare, OSF serving as the first principal in addition to being a faculty member.

Because of increasing enrollment in the mid-1950’s plans were put in place for a new high school to be located at 7th Street and Lansdale Avenue. The new school was expected to be completed in time for the Class of 1960 to finish its senior year in the new location. In anticipation of the new building and because the school’s sports teams had long been referred to as Lansdale Catholic, the school name was changed to Lansdale Catholic High School.  However, the completion of the construction project was delayed and the Class of 1960 never made it to the new building.

The current school building opened in September of 1960. The school continued as a “parish” high school until the mid-80’s when it became a member of the Archdiocesan system of secondary schools. In 1988, an addition to the school was blessed and dedicated. It was made possible primarily through the support of the Business Leaders Organized for Catholic Schools (BLOCS). 

The school is currently led by President Meghan Lister Callen ‘96 and Principal Jim Meredith. Along with their Board of Directors, fellow administrators, faculty, staff, and volunteers, they are committed to growth in many areas, including facility improvement, academic excellence, and faith formation. For more information about Lansdale Catholic High School, please visit

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Editor’s Note: For information about Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, please visit


Meredith Wilson
Media and Events Specialist