July 18, 2017

Columna del arzobispo Chaput: una palabra sobre herramientas útiles

La historia está llena de grandes citas nunca dichas. Una de las mejores líneas viene de Vladimir Lenin. Él describió a los rusos progresistas, socialdemócratas y otros compañeros de viaje como «tontos útiles» –ingenuos aliados en la revolución a los que los bolcheviques inmediatamente aplastaron cuando tomaron el poder; o eso cuenta la leyenda.

July 11, 2017

Statement of Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. On The Appointment Of Most Reverend Nelson J. Perez As The 11th Bishop Of The Diocese Of Cleveland

His wide-ranging pastoral and administrative experience among diverse communities makes him well prepared to shepherd a diocese of his own. I’m confident that Bishop Perez will carry on the work of his predecessors with great energy, compassion, zeal, and fidelity.

July 6, 2017

Archbishop Chaput’s Column: A Letter To The Romans

Christians are always, in a sense, outsiders. We have the joy and privilege to be a leaven for good in society. That’s an exhilarating vocation. It means working for as much justice and virtue in human affairs as we can. We have a special obligation to serve the weak and the poor, and to treat even those who hate us with love. But while we’re in the world and for the world, we’re never finally of the world. And we need to understand what that means.

July 6, 2017

Columna del arzobispo Chaput: una carta a los Romanos

Los cristianos son siempre, en cierto sentido, los de afuera. Tenemos la alegría y el privilegio de ser una levadura para bien en la sociedad. Esa es una vocación apasionante. Significa trabajar por tanta justicia y virtud en los asuntos humanos como sea posible. Tenemos una obligación especial de servir a los débiles y los […]

July 3, 2017

Archbishop Chaput’s Column: The Questions We Face

This week’s column is adapted from the Archbishop’s July 2 remarks to the breakout session he chaired (“Growing Isolation in America: Individualism and Indifference”) at Orlando’s national Convocation of Catholic Leaders.

July 3, 2017

Columna del arzobispo Chaput: las cuestiones que enfrentamos

La columna de esta semana es una adaptación de las observaciones del arzobispo del 2 de julio en la sesión que presidió (“Growing Isolation in America: Individualism and Indifference”) en la nacional Convocatoria de Líderes Católicos en Orlando. Los seres humanos somos más felices cuando creemos en una misión y la compartimos con personas que […]

June 27, 2017

Statement of Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. on the Appointment of Monsignor Alfred A. Schlert as the New Bishop of Allentown

Monsignor Alfred A. Schlert’s appointment as the 5th Bishop of the Diocese of Allentown is a moment of joy for the Church in Pennsylvania and I’m confident he will carry on the work of his predecessors with compassion, zeal, and fidelity.

June 20, 2017

Archbishop Chaput’s Column: The Importance of Humanae Vitae

A bishop attends a lot of worthy public events and fundraisers. It’s part of the job. And supporting good people doing good things is always a source of satisfaction and hope. But once in a while, an event comes along with an unexpected pleasure.

June 20, 2017

Columna del Arzobispo Chaput: La Importancia De Humanae Vitae

Un obispo asiste a muchos valiosos eventos públicos y de recaudación de fondos; es parte del trabajo. Y apoyar a buenas personas haciendo buenas cosas es siempre una fuente de satisfacción y esperanza. Pero de vez en cuando, un evento viene con un placer inesperado.

June 13, 2017

Archbishop Chaput’s Column: Piety and Patriotism

June 21 marks the start of the U.S. bishops’ annual “Fortnight for Freedom” running through Independence Day on July 4. The fortnight seeks to highlight America’s “first freedom” — religious liberty. It also seeks to encourage Catholics to work for religious freedom both here and abroad.