Press Releases
Archdiocese of Philadelphia Publishes Audited Financial Statements for Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2014 and June 30, 2013
In December 2013, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia published audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2013. Those financial statements disclosed a $4.9 million core operating deficit for that period exclusive of non-recurring credits and charges.
USCCB: Catholic Campaign for Human Development Awards Over $12 Million in Grants to Antipoverty, Human Life and Dignity Projects
USCCB: Bishops’ Fall General Assembly To Be Live Streamed, Live Tweeted, Carried Via Satellite
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput Issues Pastoral Letter on Catholic Education and Faith Formation
Catholic schools and faith formation programs are vital to the Catholic teaching mission and the well-being of the whole believing community. As a result, we need to reflect more deeply on what these apostolates do, not just for young people but for the entire local Church.
Archdiocesan Students and Nutritional Development Services Team Up to Fight Hunger
Nutritional Development Services (NDS) of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will celebrate the successful completion of its 2014 Peanut Butter and Jelly Drive in conjunction with Archdiocesan schools and various outreach programs.
Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: Two Events that Shouldn’t be Missed: A Catholic Life Congress and an Evening with Remi Brague
One of the tasks we all have as adult Catholics is to deepen our faith by daily prayer and to form ourselves more fully in what the Church believes. That means we need to seek out and take advantage of learning opportunities that come our way. The archdiocesan Office of the New Evangelization, led by Meghan Cokeley, has done a great job of creating those opportunities. Two of them this week deserve our special attention.
Columna del Arzobispo Chaput: Dos eventos que no se debe perder: un Congreso de Vida Católica y una Noche con Rémi Brague
Una de las tareas que tenemos como católicos adultos es profundizar nuestra fe mediante la oración diaria y formarnos más plenamente en lo que cree la Iglesia. Eso significa que tenemos que buscar y aprovechar las oportunidades de aprendizaje que se nos ofrecen. La arquidiocesana Oficina de la Nueva Evangelización, liderada por Meghan Cokeley, ha hecho un gran trabajo en la creación de esas oportunidades. Dos de ellas merecen nuestra atención especial esta semana.
Statement Regarding Reverend Mark J. Haynes
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has learned that Father Mark Haynes was arrested by Chester County Police. He was charged with two counts of dissemination of child pornography, two counts of possession of child pornography and two counts of criminal use of a communications device.
Catholic Health Care Services Announces the Accreditation of its Senior Community Centers
Catholic Health Care Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia has been awarded National Accreditation for three of its senior community centers. This accredited is made possible by the National Institute for Senior Centers (NISC) through the National Council on Aging. Each center will celebrate with an award ceremony, which will include special food and fun activities. All are invited to attend.