Press Releases
Statement Regarding Reverend Louis J. Kolenkiewicz
Father Louis J. Kolenkiewicz has been placed on administrative leave by Archbishop Chaput in response to concerns regarding his suitability for ministry. These concerns do not involve allegations of illegal or inappropriate contact with a minor, but constitute alleged violations of The Standards of Ministerial Behavior and Boundaries
USCCB: USCCB’s Online Lenten Resources Help Catholics To Raise Up, Sacrifice and Offer
A variety of resources to help Catholics observe Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday, this year February 18, is being provided by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
Archdiocese of Philadelphia Publishes Audited Financial Statements for Additional Entities for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014
In late 2014, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia published audited financial statements for The Office for Financial Services, its Pastoral Center entity, as well as other, separate entities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2014.
Statement of Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Regarding the Reprieve of Pennsylvania Death Row Occupants
Today Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf announced a reprieve for all Pennsylvania death row occupants until current commonwealth studies of the death penalty are complete and he has had time to study the data.
Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: On the Threshold of Lent, 2015
The great Catholic writer Georges Bernanos once said that, “the world will be saved only by free men. We must make a world for free men.” He wrote those words nearly 70 years ago in the wake of a terrible world war. He understood from painful experience that man is made for God — and without faith, there can be no real freedom, only distractions and idolatries that eventually consume man himself.
USCCB: USCCB Chairman Gives Strong Support to the State Marriage Defense Act of 2015
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage, gave strong support for the State Marriage Defense Act of 2015
USCCB: Border Bishop Urges Congress To Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform Instead Of Harsh Enforcement Bills
Bishop Gerald Kicanas of Tucson, Arizona, testified on behalf of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Committee on Migration before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security, February 11, in opposition to three enforcement-only bills.
Archdiocese of Philadelphia to Kick Off 40th Anniversary of Catholic Relief Services’ Rice Bowl
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia marks the beginning of its 40th consecutive year participating in Catholic Relief Services’ Rice Bowl, a nationwide Lenten faith-in-action program for families and faith communities. Administered by Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Rice Bowl encourages participants to live in solidarity with the poor through prayer, fasting, and alms giving. Bishop John J. McIntyre will preside at this year’s kick-off event.
Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: Ennobling What it Means to be Human, and the Alternative
“Creation is sacred. It has sacramental meaning. It reflects God’s glory. That includes our bodies. Our sexuality has the power to procreate, and shares in the dignity of being created in the image of God. We need to live accordingly.”
Catholic Charities Appeal Partners with Philadelphia 76ers for Catholic Charities Night
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia Catholic Charities Appeal is once again partnering with the Philadelphia 76ers for “Catholic Charities Night” at the Wells Fargo Center. Tickets are on sale now, and prices range from $27 to $42 per ticket. A portion of the proceeds from tickets purchased through a dedicated link will go directly to the appeal.