Press Releases
USCCB Officials Say Syrian Refugee Crisis at Tipping Point
The Syrian refugee crisis ¬–now totaling nearly 4 million refugees– has reached a “tipping point,” in which countries in the region are no longer able to handle the flow of refugees across their borders, warned U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) officials who recently traveled to the Middle East.
Saint Martin De Porres Parish to Honor The Life and Service of Officer Robert Wilson III
Saint Martin de Porres Parish, which is located in the neighborhood where Philadelphia Police Officer Robert Wilson III was fatally shot in the line of duty, will remember his life and service in prayer.
Statement of Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. on the Death of Cardinal Edward M. Egan, Archbishop Emeritus of New York
I was deeply saddened yesterday to learn of the death of Cardinal Edward M. Egan, Archbishop Emeritus of New York.
Statement of Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. on Shooting Death of Officer Robert Wilson III
The shooting death of Philadelphia Police Officer Robert Wilson III is senseless and devastating. I offer my prayerful condolences to his family, his fellow officers, and all those who mourn his loss.
Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: Remembering a Forgotten Genocide
Lent is a time for self-examination and repentance; a time for good spiritual reading and the Sacrament of Penance. It’s also a time for renewing our sense of solidarity with fellow Christians around the world. It’s a moment to remember the witness of so many Christians who’ve died simply because they were Christian.
Archdiocesan Schools in the City of Philadelphia Will Be Closed Tomorrow, Friday, March 6, 2015
Archdiocesan high schools and Catholic elementary schools in the City of Philadelphia will be closed tomorrow, Friday March 6, 2015 due to the conditions resulting from today’s storm.
Archdiocesan Schools in the City of Philadelphia Will Be Closed Today, Thursday, March 5, 2015
Archdiocesan high schools and Catholic elementary schools in the City of Philadelphia will be closed today, Thursday, March 5, 2015 due to expected inclement weather.
Chester County Parish to Pack 10,000 Meals for Needy in Africa
More than two hundred volunteers from Saint Monica Parish in Berwyn (Chester County) will participate in Helping Hands, a meal-packing program developed by Catholic Relief Services (CRS), and Stop Hunger Now, as a hands-on way for Catholics in the United States to combat hunger around the world.
USCCB: Archbishop Wenski, Bishop Cantú Urge Protection for Programs Serving the Poor and Vulnerable
Decisions around the 2016 budget resolution should be measured against whether they protect human life and dignity, the poor and vulnerable and the common good, particularly workers and their families, said two U.S. bishops in a letter, February 27, to every member of Congress.
25 Archdiocesan Parish & Regional Schools in City of Phila. “High Performing”
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s 122 elementary schools, 17 high schools and four schools of special education recently celebrated National Catholic Schools Week which took place January 25, 2015 – January 31, 2015. Twenty-five parish and regional schools in the City of Philadelphia had extra reason to celebrate for the 2014-2015 school year.