Press Releases
USCCB: Cardinal Dolan And Archbishop Lori To Congress: Government’s Coercion On Abortion Needs Immediate Remedy
Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: The Court, The House, and the Elections Ahead
All leaders – in the Church, in education, in business and in elected office – are accountable for their actions to the people they serve.
Columna del Arzobispo Chaput: La Corte, La Cámara y Las Elecciones Futuras
«La Corte ha transformado simultáneamente derechos judicialmente creados como el derecho al aborto en derechos constitucionales favorecidos, mientras que desfavorece muchos de los derechos enumerados en la Constitución. Pero nuestra Constitución renuncia a la noción de que algunos derechos constitucionales son más iguales que otros.» — Magistrado Clarence Thomas, opinion en contra en Whole Woman’s […]
Statement of Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Regarding Terrorist Attack in Istanbul
Once again, the global community has been confronted with extreme violence committed by those who spread terror through evil. Each life senselessly extinguished in Istanbul was a unique gift from God who filled family, friends, and loved ones with joy. Those precious gifts have been tragically stolen from all who are now in mourning and […]
USCCB: USCCB President Responds To Istanbul Attacks
USCCB: Bishops’ Pro-Life Spokeswoman Laments High Court Decision Rejecting Abortion Clinic Safety Law
Catholic Social Services’ Saint Gabriel’s System Programs for Court-Adjudicated Youth Receive More Than $60K in Grants for Vital Classroom Upgrades
This funding will allow for vital upgrades to technology resources and classroom spaces.
Mr. Jason B. Bozzone Named President of Pope John Paul II High School
The Office of Catholic Education (OCE) and the Faith in the Future Foundation (FIF) are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Jason B. Bozzone as the new President of Pope John Paul II High School effective July 11th.
Archdiocese of Philadelphia Announces Launch of Newly Revived Youth and Young Adult Ministry Initiatives
Mr. Jacob King and Ms. Megan Mastroianni have been named Director and Associate Director, respectively, for Youth and Young Adult Ministry in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia