Press Releases
USCCB: USCCB President Welcomes Pope Francis Naming Bishop Kevin Joseph Farrell Of Dallas
Office of Catholic Education Announces Administrative Assignments at Two Archdiocesan High Schools
The Office of Catholic Education (OCE) and the Faith in the Future Foundation (FIF) are pleased to announce the appointment of principals at Monsignor Bonner and Archbishop Prendergast High School (Delaware County) and Saints John Neumann and Maria Goretti High School in South Philadelphia. Sister Maureen McDermott, I.H.M., Ph.D., Superintendent for Secondary Schools said, “We […]
Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: Some Personal Thoughts on the Months Ahead
Presidential campaigns typically hit full stride after Labor Day in an election year. But 2016 is a year in which two prominent Catholics – a sitting vice president, and the next vice presidential nominee of his party — both seem to publicly ignore or invent the content of their Catholic faith as they go along.
Archdiocese of Philadelphia Breaks Ground for St. John Neumann Place II
Development will create affordable senior housing in South Philadelphia
Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the Catholic Family Fun Club Announce the Successful Launch of a New Initiative for Catholic Family Networking
Using a crowd-sourced calendar, the CFFC allows families from throughout the Archdiocese to attend and create Catholic catechetical and social activities together and learn about other local events and organizations connected to the Catholic faith.
USCCB: USCCB President Offers Prayers, Support After Church Attack, Killing Of Priest In France
Catholic Health Care Services’ Adult Day Care Center Celebrates One Year of Service to the Community
The center provides support and care in a home-like environment that enables older adults facing physical and cognitive challenges to remain at home as long as possible.
USCCB: USCCB President Calls For National Day Of Prayer And Appoints Special Task Force To Promote Peace And Unity
Archdiocesan Youth & Young Adults to Depart for the World Youth Day Pilgrimage to Krakow, Poland
This will be Pope Francis’ second appearance at a World Youth Day gathering as the Holy Father.