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July 8, 2016

Statement of Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Regarding Violence in Louisiana, Minnesota and Texas

The death of two black men at the hands of police in Baton Rouge and Minnesota this week is a grave source of concern and a tragedy compounding a long and bitter pattern of similar racially-related tragedies. These incomprehensible incidents aggravate racial resentments and make a tense national situation worse. To the credit of the […]

July 1, 2016

Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: The Court, The House, and the Elections Ahead

All leaders – in the Church, in education, in business and in elected office – are accountable for their actions to the people they serve.

July 1, 2016

Columna del Arzobispo Chaput: La Corte, La Cámara y Las Elecciones Futuras

«La Corte ha transformado simultáneamente derechos judicialmente creados como el derecho al aborto en derechos constitucionales favorecidos, mientras que desfavorece muchos de los derechos enumerados en la Constitución. Pero nuestra Constitución renuncia a la noción de que algunos derechos constitucionales son más iguales que otros.» — Magistrado Clarence Thomas, opinion en contra en Whole Woman’s […]

June 30, 2016

Statement of Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Regarding Terrorist Attack in Istanbul

Once again, the global community has been confronted with extreme violence committed by those who spread terror through evil. Each life senselessly extinguished in Istanbul was a unique gift from God who filled family, friends, and loved ones with joy. Those precious gifts have been tragically stolen from all who are now in mourning and […]