Press Releases
Joint Statement of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary and Neumann University Regarding Intention to Explore Possibility of Affiliation Agreement
Agreement allows both institutions’ academic leaders and others to meet openly and to discuss how such an affiliation agreement may work to benefit both institutions.
Rev. Mr. Matthew Brody to be Ordained to the Priesthood by Archbishop Chaput
The Ordination Mass will be streamed live at www.archphila.org and broadcast via FaceBook Live at www.facebook.com/ArchbishopChaput.
Rev. Mr. Brian Connolly to be Ordained to the Priesthood by Archbishop Chaput
The Ordination Mass will be streamed live at www.archphila.org and broadcast via FaceBook Live at www.facebook.com/ArchbishopChaput.
Archbishop Chaput to Ordain Two Men to the Priesthood
The Ordination Mass will be streamed live at www.archphila.org and broadcast via FaceBook Live at www.facebook.com/ArchbishopChaput.
Nutritional Development Services Of The Archdiocese Of Philadelphia Awards “Garden Grants” To Local Food Cupboards
For the third consecutive year, Nutritional Development Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Community Foods Program has awarded “garden grants” to food cupboards throughout the greater Philadelphia area. The grants, funded through a special appeal, will increase access to fresh, wholesome, and nourishing produce for clients.
Archdiocese of Philadelphia Honors Distinguished Scholars From Catholic Secondary Schools at 38th Annual Academic Honors Convocation
Monsignor Daniel Kutys, Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Moderator of the Curia, will be the main celebrant during a Liturgy of the Word preceding the 38th Annual Academic Honors Convocation at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. This event honors graduating seniors from 33 Archdiocesan and private Catholic high schools for their academic excellence. Thursday, May 18, 2017 6:15 p.m. (Procession) 6:30 p.m. (Liturgy of the Word) Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul 18th Street and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway Philadelphia, PA 19103 The students, who are ranked in the top 3% of their senior class, will be honored for their academic success and dedication to their studies. This year 155 students are included in the elite group according to their cumulative ranking at the end of the first semester of their senior year.
Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: Mary, the Mother of God, the Humble, and the Sane
We live in a time of towering ironies. Here’s a big one. For the ancient Greeks, one of the worst sins possible, and a constant theme in their drama, was hubris – the sin of overweening pride. They understood that pride creates a peculiar form of mental illness. People who denied the gods, or ignored […]