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May 30, 2017

Archbishop Chaput’s Column: Hard cases make bad law; bad law makes hard cases

“Hard cases make bad law:” It’s a legal principle in U.S. court decisions that dates back at least 170 years. Its origin may go back even further, to Roman jurisprudence. The idea behind it makes sense.

May 24, 2017

The Cathedral Parish Revitalizes the Keys and Sword Event to Benefit Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul and a Local Ministry to Poor and Homeless

This year, a percentage of the proceeds will benefit Saint Francis Inn, a ministry to the poor and homeless located in Philadelphia’s Kensington neighborhood.

May 21, 2017

Archdiocese Announces Decision in Pastoral Planning Initiative for Two Parishes in the City of Philadelphia

Resurrection of Our Lord Parish (Rhawnhurst) and Our Lady of Ransom Parish (Oxford Circle) will merge effective June 19, 2017.

May 19, 2017

Nutritional Development Services Of The Archdiocese Of Philadelphia To Receive Donation From Students At Saint Joseph’s Preparatory School

For the second consecutive year, Nutritional Development Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will receive a generous donation for its Summer Meals Program from students at Saint Joseph’s Preparatory School.