Press Releases
Archbishop Chaput and Cardinal O’Malley Make a “Friendly Wager” on Super Bowl LII
Today, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the Archdiocese of Boston jointly announce the following. Super Bowl LII will bring together two of the great sports teams in America for the chance to claim the Lombardi Trophy for their fans. The Philadelphia Eagles and New England Patriots franchises are both deeply involved in their communities. Today, […]
USCCB: National Marriage Week USA, World Marriage Day Promote Gift of Marriage as School of Life and Love
Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: RISE and the Vocation of Christian Men
This week’s column is meant explicitly for the men of our local Church. I’m talking to you. C.S. Lewis once described Christianity as a “fighting religion.” He meant that living the Gospel involves a very real kind of spiritual warfare; a struggle against the evil in ourselves and in the world around us—not with violence, […]
Columna Semanal del Arzobispo Chaput: RISE y la vocación de hombres cristianos
La columna de esta semana está dirigida explícitamente a los hombres de nuestra Iglesia local. Te estoy hablando a ti.
USCCB: Catholic Bishops’ Pro-Life Chairman Calls Senate Failure to Pass Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act “Appalling”
Archdiocese Of Philadelphia Launches 43rd Annual Rice Bowl
For the 43rd consecutive year, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will participate in Catholic Relief Services’ (CRS) Rice Bowl, a nationwide Lenten program that gives people of all ages a way to respond to human suffering with compassion through tangible action. Auxiliary Bishop John J. McIntyre will preside at this year’s Rice Bowl blessing and kick-off […]
Archbishop Chaput Kicked-Off Catholic Schools Week With Day-Long Community Service Event Featuring Over 800 Catholic School Students
Students from elementary schools, high schools, and schools of special education packaged over
17,000 relief bags to benefit Nutritional Development Services’ Community Food Program
Dominican Friars of the Province of Saint Joseph to Begin Service at Saint Patrick Parish in Philadelphia
The Dominican Friars of the Province of Saint Joseph will begin service at Saint Patrick Parish in Philadelphia on July 1st, 2018. The Dominicans, also known as the Order of Preachers, most recently served at Holy Name of Jesus Parish (Philadelphia) for nearly a century, leaving the Archdiocese in 1998. The friars also served on […]
Over 800 special education, elementary school, and high school students will prepare approximately 17,000 relief packages to benefit in need and at risk members of the community
Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: Remarks of Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. on the Occasion of the Conferral of Papal Honors
This installment of Archbishop Chaput’s column features the full text of his remarks from a ceremony that took place following Vespers in the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul on Sunday, January 21st to confer Papal Honors upon 28 individuals.