Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez will celebrate Mass and Most Revered Frank. J. Caggiano, Bishop of the Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut, will deliver the keynote address for the thirty-first annual Catechetical Convocation “Infusing Theology of the Body into the Religion Curriculum”. Theology of the Body is a compilation of work by Saint John Paul II. It demonstrates that the human body has a specific meaning reflective of God’s intentionality that answers fundamental questions about our lives.
The Philadelphia Catholic Gospel Choir under the direction of Tonya Taylor-Dorsey will provide the music for Mass.
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. (Mass)
Saturday, March 26, 2022
Archbishop Wood High School
655 York Road
Warminster, PA 18974 (Bucks County)
The conference is co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Office for Catechetical Formation and the Association of Parish Directors, Coordinators, and Administrators of Parish Religious Education Programs (PREP). It is presented by the Sophia Institute for Teachers for PREP Catechists as well as Directors of Religious Education and Catholic School Administrators and Teachers.
To register for the Catechetical Convocation, please click here. Registration is limited.
Background Information on the Office for Catechetical Formation
The Office for Catechetical Formation (OCF) assists the Archbishop of Philadelphia in his primary responsibility of the teaching of the Catholic faith. The OFC fosters and supports the catechetical initiatives of the Archdiocesan Elementary Schools and Parish Religious Education Programs. In addition, the OCF promotes the ongoing faith formation of Directors and Coordinators of Religious Education, Catholic Elementary Administrators, Teachers, and Catechists.
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Editor’s Notes: For information on the Office for Catechetical Formation, please visit To learn more about Saint John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, please visit
For information about Archbishop Wood High School, please visit
Meredith Wilson
Media and Events Specialist