Archdiocese of Philadelphia Holds 29th Annual Retirement Fund for Religious Collection

The 29th Annual Retirement Fund for Religious Collection will be held at parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia on the weekend of December 3-4, 2016.  This effort is coordinated by the National Religious Retirement Office and offers financial support for the day to day care of over 33,000 senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests throughout the country.

Last year, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia contributed over $129,077 to this collection.  In 2016, local religious orders received a combined total of over $1.1 million dollars in financial assistance made possible by the national appeal.

The Retirement Fund for Religious Collection was initiated in 1988 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to address the significant lack of retirement funding among Catholic religious communities in the United States.  Proceeds are distributed to eligible communities to help underwrite retirement and health-care expenses.  Nearly 95 percent of every donation directly supports senior religious and their communities.

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