
How to Make a Complaint of Sexual Abuse or Other Misconduct

Taking the step to report a complaint of sexual abuse or other misconduct by a priest, deacon, employee, or volunteer of the Archdiocese is an important one. For many people, the strength and courage to make such a report often comes after much inner anguish and turmoil. Those who have made such reports over the years, and the Victim Assistance Coordinators who work with them, have sensitized us to the needs of survivors and families.

Please note that anyone can report suspected child abuse to ChildLine, the 24-hour statewide system operated by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services toll free at 1-800-932-0313 or by calling their local police department.

Anyone can also report suspected sexual abuse or other misconduct by a priest, deacon, employee, or volunteer of the Archdiocese to the Archdiocesan Office of Investigations toll free at 1-888-930-9010 or by sending an email to

If you decide to contact the Office of Investigations, be assured that you will be treated with respect and kindness. You will be asked to provide your name, date of birth, current address and phone number, name of the accused, dates and location of the abuse or misconduct, and a brief description of the facts.

If you make a report to the Archdiocese, please be advised that it is required by law to report suspected child abuse to the Department of Human Services ChildLine. In addition, it is Archdiocesan policy to immediately refer any conduct which could constitute a crime to law enforcement.

After your report is taken, your information will be forwarded to the Archdiocesan Office for Child and Youth Protection’s Victim Assistance Program. A Victim Assistance Coordinator will follow up with you to discuss what support and services are available to you. If you would like to speak with a Victim Assistance Coordinator immediately after making your complaint, we will be able to connect you.

IMPORTANT: Pennsylvania law and Archdiocesan policy require that any priest, member of a religious order, deacon, pastoral minister, teacher, administrator, employee, or volunteer working on behalf of the Archdiocese or applying to work for the Archdiocese, and who has or will have contact with children, and who knows there is reason to suspect child abuse, must report the suspected abuse by calling the Pennsylvania Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-932-0313.

For specific information about this obligation to report, please visit