St. Thomas Aquinas

Page last updated 9 months ago

Founded: 1885
Address: N.W. corner of 17th and Morris Sts.
Rectory Address: 1719 Morris St. 19145
Rectory Email: [email protected]
Rectory Phone: 215-334-2312
Rectory Fax: 215-755-9369
Pastor: Rev. Dominic Tran Minh Duc
Parochial Vicars: Rev. Wilmer A. Chirino-Gonzalez
In Residence: Rev. Markus R. Hermawan, C.M. (Chaplain, Indonesian Apostolate)
Permanent Deacons: Deacon Cristobal Chavac
Other Parish Information:

Business Manager: Ralph A. Citino ([email protected])
Coordinator of Religious Education: Joanne Gledhill
Parish Outreach Staff: Clara Jerez

Aquinas Center: 1700 Fernon St. 19145
Director Aquinas Center: Dr. Bethany Welch ([email protected])
Phone: 267-928-4048

Mass Times: Vigil Mass, Saturdays, 4 (English), 6 PM (Spanish). Sundays, 8 (Vietnamese), 10 AM (English); Noon (Indonesian). Holydays, 8:30 AM; 7 PM. Weekdays, Monday to Saturday, 8:30 AM (Chapel).
Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Wednesdays, 7 PM (Chapel).
Adoration Room (church entrance through rectory yard): Weekdays, 9 AM-3:30 PM; Saturdays and Sundays, 9 AM-Noon.
Confessions: Saturdays, 3:30-4 PM.
Students Attend:

St. Thomas Aquinas Independence Mission School


1631 S. 18th St. 19145

School Email: [email protected]
School Phone: 215-334-0878
School Principal: Sharon McCloskey

Wharton St. from 21st St. to 18th St.; to Reed St.; to 17th St.; to Dickinson St.; to Broad St.; to McKean St.; to 20th St.; to Moore St.; to 21st St.; to Wharton St.