St. Joseph

Page last updated 9 months ago

Founded: 1953
Address: 7631 Waters Rd., Cheltenham
Rectory Phone: 215-635-5533
Rectory Fax: 215-635-4578
Pastor: Rev. William S. Harrison (Pastor - In residence at Presentation B.V. M. Rectory, Cheltenham)
Other Parish Information:

Parish Center: 7631 Waters Rd., Cheltenham, PA 19012-1318

Mass Times: Sundays, 10 AM. Vigil Mass, Holydays, 7:30 PM. Holydays, 10 AM. Weekdays, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 10 AM.
Confessions: Saturdays, 4-4:45 PM at Presentation B.V.M., Cheltenham
Accessibility Information:

Parish Meeting Room/Hall: Accessible entrances, parking, curb cuts and ramps to accessible entrances and restroom facilities adapted for wheelchair users for at least one meeting room.


Ashbourne Rd. from Mill Rd. to Front St.; to Ashmead Rd.; to Reading R.R.; to air line from Cresentville Rd. at Walnut Park Dr.; to Fairiston Rd. (both sides); to Claremont Rd. (both sides); to Fox Hill Rd. (both sides); to Claremont Rd. (both sides); to Walnut Park Dr. (both sides); to 65th Ave.; to 2nd St.; to 66th Ave.; to Reading R.R.; to Mill Rd. (at Melrose Ave.); to Ashbourne Rd.