St. Francis de Sales
Page last updated 9 months ago
Founded: 1890
Address: 47th St. and Springfield Ave.
Rectory Address: 4625 Springfield Ave. 19143
Rectory Phone: 215-222-5819
Rectory Fax: 215-222-5821
Pastor: Rev. Ryan Nguyen (Parochial Administrator)
In Residence: Rev. Robert F. Lucas (Chaplain, University City Hospitals), , Rev. Robert Ngageno (Chaplain, University City Hospitals)
Permanent Deacons: Deacon Samuel O. Ujor
Other Parish Information: Director of Religious Education: Mrs. Patricia Mallinson DeBonis
Parish Business Manager: Mrs. Colleen Jones
Parish Office Manager: Mrs. Karen Genzano Hand
Mass Times: Vigil Mass, Saturdays, 5 PM. Sundays, 7, 10:15 AM. Holydays, as announced. Weekdays, Monday - Friday, 7 AM; Saturdays and National Holidays 8:30am.
Confessions: Saturdays, 4:15-4:45 PM. Sunday, 9:30AM-10AM. First Saturday of each month 9AM-9:30AM
Students Attend: 917 S. 47th St. 19143
School Phone: 215-387-1749
School Principal: Sr. Mary McNulty, I.H.M.
School Teachers: Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Lay Faculty
School Other: Vice Principal: Sr. Jane McFadden, I.H.M.
Accessibility Information: Church: Accessible entrances, curb cuts, ramps and parking near accessible entrances for churches with parking lots. Sufficiently wide and level approach or gradually sloping ramp to door; doorway wider than 32 inches, with automatic door or one that is easily opened with minimum pressure or usher assistance; parking spaces large enough to accommodate vans with access aisle for discharge on either side of van; parking spaces designated with proper signage.
Boundaries: 52nd St. from Springfield Ave. to Walnut St.; to 50th St.; to Market St.; to 45th St.; to Locust St.; to 42nd St.; to Schuylkill River; projected to B&O R.R.; to 60th St.; to Cobbs Creek; to Whitby Ave.; to 53rd St., to Springfield Ave.; to 52nd St.
Convent Address: 912 S. 47th St. 19143
Convent Phone: 267-634-6936