February 23, 2015

Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: A Welcoming City, and a Chance to be Part of the Welcome

Philadelphians might say “finally noticed” — that the City of Brotherly Love is enjoying a major resurgence as an international urban center. Philadelphia is a city on the move; a city that “has greatly evolved economically and culturally since 2000,” revitalized by “celebrity chefs, a vibrant technology sector and [a] thriving art scene” – not to mention some of the finest universities, museums, medical centers and historical locations in the United States.

February 23, 2015

Columna del Arzobispo Chaput: Una Ciudad Acogedora y la Oportunidad de Ser Parte de la Bienvenida

El 13 de febrero, informó el New York Times —los filadelfianos pueden decir «finalmentenotados»– que la Ciudad del Amor Fraternal está disfrutando de un gran resurgimiento como centrourbano internacional. Filadelfia es una ciudad en movimiento; una ciudad que «evolucionó en granmedida cultural y económicamente desde el año 2000», revitalizada por «chefs de cocina famosos,un sector […]

February 13, 2015

Statement of Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Regarding the Reprieve of Pennsylvania Death Row Occupants

Today Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf announced a reprieve for all Pennsylvania death row occupants until current commonwealth studies of the death penalty are complete and he has had time to study the data.

February 12, 2015

Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: On the Threshold of Lent, 2015

The great Catholic writer Georges Bernanos once said that, “the world will be saved only by free men. We must make a world for free men.” He wrote those words nearly 70 years ago in the wake of a terrible world war. He understood from painful experience that man is made for God — and without faith, there can be no real freedom, only distractions and idolatries that eventually consume man himself.

February 6, 2015

Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: Ennobling What it Means to be Human, and the Alternative

“Creation is sacred. It has sacramental meaning. It reflects God’s glory. That includes our bodies. Our sexuality has the power to procreate, and shares in the dignity of being created in the image of God. We need to live accordingly.”

January 14, 2015

Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: Martin Luther King Day 2015

More than 50 years have passed since Martin Luther King Jr. stepped into America’s racial divide of the 1950s and 1960s. Although that divide has eased in some important ways, recent events show that much remains to be done. This month’s observance of Martin Luther King Day, January 19, therefore comes at a key moment. We should take advantage of it by reflecting on why King’s efforts to fight racial injustice bore such good fruit, and what his witness means for the United States today. It’s a moment for those of us who are Christians to reexamine our own lives in light of the Gospel, and to ground ourselves again in the same Word of God that gave Martin Luther King the courage and perseverance to seek healing where sin had wrought racial conflict.

January 14, 2015

Columna del Arzobispo Chaput: Día de Martin Luther King 2015

Más de 50 años han pasado desde que Martin Luther King Jr. entró en la división racial de Estados Unidos de las décadas de 1950 y 1960. Aunque esa brecha ha disminuido en algunos aspectos importantes, los acontecimientos recientes demuestran que aún queda mucho por hacer. La celebración de este mes del Día de Martin […]

December 31, 2014

Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: The Family and Social Justice

Since his election, Pope Francis has spoken in a uniquely powerful way about the need for human solidarity, care for the poor and economic justice. He’s also dealt again and again with the need to protect and support the family. These are not two separate themes. They’re linked organically. And while this Pope’s words have a compelling new energy and joy, they’re grounded firmly in a rich history of Catholic teaching.

December 31, 2014

Columna del Arzobispo Chaput: la Familia y la Justicia Social

Desde su elección, el papa Francisco ha hablado de una manera única y poderosa sobre la
necesidad de la solidaridad humana, el cuidado de los pobres y la justicia económica. También
ha abordado una y otra vez la necesidad de proteger y apoyar a la familia.

December 22, 2014

Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: A Christmas Truce

Exactly 100 years ago this week, in the first months of the Great War that would begin the bloodiest century in human history, something miraculous happened. All along the Western Front, spontaneous pockets of truce broke out between German and Allied soldiers. The guns would fall silent through Christmas, and in some places, for days afterward. Enemies put down their weapons and openly fraternized, sharing food, drink and stories. Officers finally had to force their men to return to the fighting.