Press Releases
Statement of Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Regarding Violence Over the Past Weekend
Combine easy access to guns with a culture that breeds resentment, self-focus, personal license and contempt for human life and the law, and what you get is what happened over the past weekend: the terrible shootings of innocent people by Nicholas Glenn and others.
St. John’s Hospice Celebrates its Fall Fling Gala at Philadelphia’s Historic Reading Terminal
Supporters gather for an evening of food, fun, and entertainment
Archdiocese of Philadelphia and Endow to Host Catholic Women’s Conference at National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa
The conference will welcome hundreds of women—married, single, and consecrated—from across the Greater Philadelphia region.
USCCB: USCCB Committee Chairs Reaffirm The Catholic Church’s Teaching On Marriage
USCCB: Cardinal Dolan, Bishops’ Pro-Life Chairman, On Deceptive “Catholics For Choice” Ad Campaign
National Tour Event Reboot! Live! to Debut in Archdiocese of Philadelphia
The event centers around a practical exploration and understanding of the Catholic faith and the ways it is meant to impact our lives, including: prayer, spirituality, work, dating, marriage, and health.
Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: A Conference not to be Missed
The Catholic Women’s Conference provides women with mutual support in living their Catholic faith, an immersion in the truth of the Church’s teachings on women and, above all, an encounter with Jesus Christ.
USCCB: USCCB Religious Liberty Chairman Responds To Statement Of Chairman Of U.S. Commission On Civil Rights
Catholic Social Services’ Saint Gabriel’s Hall Receives Additional Grant Funding
The additional $70,000 provided will allow SGH to enhance its Career Technical Education programming.
Office of Catholic Education Issues Archdiocesan High School Athletics Guidelines for Games and Practices Scheduled for the Weekend
The Office of Catholic Education (OCE) has asked the 17 Archdiocesan High schools to ensure that no practices or games start between the hours of 11:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on both Friday and Saturday