June 17, 2021

Oral Statement of Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez Press Call Following Scotus Opinion in Fulton, et al. v. City of Philadelphia

I am deeply grateful to the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States for their willingness to hear this matter and for their ultimate opinion. Today’s decision from our Nation’s highest court is a profound one that rings loudly in Philadelphia and reverberates throughout the Country. It brings light and relief for children […]

May 24, 2021

Archbishop Pérez Writes Letter to the Faithful on the Occasion of Pentecost

Queridas hermanas y hermanos en Cristo,

May 24, 2021

Archbishop Pérez Writes Letter to the Faithful on the Occasion of Pentecost

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

May 4, 2021

Statement of Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez on the Appointment of Reverend Monsignor William E. Koenig as the 10th Bishop of the Diocese of Wilmington

I was filled with great joy to learn that Pope Francis appointed Reverend Monsignor William E. Koenig as the 10th Bishop of the Diocese of Wilmington.

April 14, 2021

Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez Sends Letter to the Muslim Community on the Occasion of Ramadan

Greetings to all of my sisters and brothers of the Muslim faith tradition as you begin the celebration of Ramadan!

March 26, 2021

Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez Sends Letter to the Jewish Community on the Occasion of Passover

In the name of the people of the clergy, religious, and lay faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, I send warm greetings as you prepare to celebrate the holy days of Passover!

March 11, 2021

Declaración Del Reverendicimo Nelson J. Pérez Al Ser Nombrado Miembro De La Comisión Pontificia Para América Latina Por El Papa Francisco

Con el corazón lleno de alegría, supe que el Papa Francisco me ha designado para servir como miembro de la Comisión Pontificia para América Latina

March 10, 2021

Statement of Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez Upon Being Named a Member of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America by Pope Francis

With a heart full of joy, I learned that Pope Francis has appointed me to serve as a member of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America.

January 18, 2021

Statement Of Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez On The Occasion Of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day And The Formation Of The Commission On Racial Healing

Today, we join with others across the nation in commemorating the life and ministry of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This year, perhaps more than ever before, all of us need to deeply reflect on his message of peacefully yet persistently seeking racial equality and justice for all.

January 18, 2021

Declaración Del Reverendo Nelson J. Pérez Con Motivo De La Celebración Del Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Y La Formación De La Comisión De Sanación Racial

Hoy, nos unimos a otros a través de la nación para conmemorar la vida y el ministerio del reverendo Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Este año, quizás más que nunca, todos necesitamos reflexionar profundamente sobre su mensaje de la busca pacífica pero persistente de la igualdad racial y la justicia para todos; mi sincera esperanza […]