Nativity B.V.M.
Page last updated 8 months ago
Parish Business Manager: Chris Bourke/Robbie Bonanto
Parish Services Director: John Blisard
Cemetery: Orange and Highland Ave. 19063
Mother of Providence Regional School
607 S. Providence Rd., Wallingford 19086
Church: Accessible entrances, curb cuts, ramps and parking near accessible entrances for churches with parking lots. Sufficiently wide and level approach or gradually sloping ramp to door; doorway wider than 32 inches, with automatic door or one that is easily opened with minimum pressure or usher assistance; parking spaces large enough to accommodate vans with access aisle for discharge on either side of van; parking spaces designated with proper signage.
Crum Creek from by-pass U.S. Rt. 1 to P&W R.R.; to Rodgers La.; to Turner Rd.; to Brookhaven Rd.; to the southwest Rose Valley Borough line; then northwest along Rose Valley Borough line to Knowlton Rd.; to Old Middletown Rd.; to PA Rt. 352; to by-pass U.S. Rt. 1; to Crum Creek.