Pastoral Planning Area: 650
Deanery: 8
Founded: 1905
Address: 701 E. Gaul St. 19125
Phone: 215-739-3960
Pastor: Rev. Alfred E. Bradley, C.Ss.R. (Parochial Administrator)
Other Parish Information:
Mass Times: Vigil Mass: Saturdays, 4:30 PM. Sundays, 8, 11 AM. Holydays: Vigil 7 PM, 8 AM in summer; 9 AM when school is in session. Monday through Friday, 8 AM.
Confessions: Saturdays, 3:30-4:15 PM.
School Principal: Kelly Griffith Bell ([email protected])
Report on School:
Delaware River from York St. to Susquehanna Ave.; to Girard Ave.; to Oxford St.; to Frankford Ave.; to Palmer St.; to Front St.; to Amber St.; to York St.; to the Delaware River.
Map and driving directions: