Nutritional Development Services Distributes 93,000 Children’s Meals and 7,500 Food Boxes to Households Facing Hunger Throughout the Five-County Philadelphia Region

Nutritional Development Services has been on the frontlines of the fight against hunger for nearly five decades.

Nutritional Development Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (NDS) recently wrapped up its 13th drive-through food distribution event capping a months-long effort to address pandemic-related food insecurity throughout the five-county Philadelphia region.

Through this program, NDS distributed over 93,000 federally funded meals for children and nearly 7,500 federally funded “Farmers to Families” Food Boxes to area households in need and facing hunger.

In reflecting on the events, Ms. Lizanne Hagedorn, executive director of NDS said, “Knowing that children, individuals and families throughout our metropolitan area do not have enough food to eat on a consistent basis is a challenge and a matter NDS works to counter daily. In the context of the pandemic, when the critical need for food was exposed, NDS along with our volunteers and community partners immediately responded to provide additional relief and distribute these food resources throughout the five-county region where needed most. We hope redoubling our efforts has brought some much-needed goodness into people’s lives.”

Since October 2020, NDS has coordinated the Saturday distributions as a way to bolster day-to-day initiatives which include providing assistance to those in need with food and food-related resources through its network of over 50 food cupboards and outreach programs.

With the “Farmers to Families” food box program concluding, pop-up food events and smaller scale giveaways will be organized by NDS to continue assisting area households facing financial challenges and other hardships stemming from the ongoing pandemic.

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Editor’s Note: For 47 years, Nutritional Development Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s (NDS) mission has been to serve children and those in need with healthy food. NDS accomplishes its mission in two distinct ways: by administering the federally-funded child nutrition programs and through the privately supported Community Food Program. For more information, please visit NDS is an equal opportunity service provider.