Letter of Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. to the Jewish Community at Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

I would like to take this occasion, along with the clergy and parishioners of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, to express our prayerful solidarity with the Jewish community, as you observe the holydays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.  During these days of reflection and new commitment to doing good, a person has the opportunity to look into his or her heart, assess the level of integrity there, and evaluate one’s relationship with others.  These efforts benefit us all, and I pray that this year’s observance of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur will be particularly fruitful.

This year, right after the Jewish community has celebrated these two great holydays, the City of Philadelphia will be honored to host Pope Francis and the World Meeting of Families.  We all know that the family is the fundamental building block of society and that this entity is very embattled today.  I would like to invite the Jewish community to join with the thousands of participants in the 2015 World Meeting of Families in reflecting upon how each of us can strengthen our world by strengthening our own families.  I know that all of us look forward to seeing Pope Francis at the World Meeting of Families and hearing his wisdom about family life. 

Once again, please be assured of my prayers for your community during these sacred days.  A good and blessed year, and one filled with peace!

+Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop of Philadelphia