Hope in Christ: Spiritual Support for Addiction

Hope in Christ:
Spiritual Support for Addiction

“I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.”
~ Jeremiah 33:6

You are not alone! The Church desires to be close to her children who are struggling with addiction and to bring them the healing power of Jesus Christ’s love. The resources below are for those who have an addiction as well as for their families and loved ones. You will find one-time events such as retreats and evenings of reflection, ongoing support ministries, and links to websites, articles and videos. They are offered as spiritual support for you and your loved ones to assist you in experiencing the extended hand that Jesus Christ is holding out to you. If you have questions or suggestions for this page, please contact us at [email protected].  

    • For clinical and social service resources such as local treatment facilities, AA, NA and Al-Anon groups, insurance information, crisis support, and other services, visit our Catholic Social Services website RecoveryAndHope.org

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Click the arrows below to expand the section and find details. 

Personal Testimonies

Here you will find testimonies from local Catholics about their struggle with addiction and the gift that their Catholic faith is along the journey.  We are thankful to those who are willing to share their story with us to help bring understanding, light and hope to others!  If you would like to share your (anonymous) story for this website, please click here. 

Click on a statement below to read the full testimony.

Share Your Story

We would like to better understand the nature of addiction and how the church can be present to those who are suffering. Please feel free to share your story with us so that we, as well as others, can learn from you and your journey.

If you wish, please fill out this anonymous questionnaire here.


More Resources

A Two-Pronged Response to the Addiction Crisis

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia offers a two-pronged response to the addiction crisis, which aims to attend to the needs of the whole person, body, mind and spirit:

  • For clinical and social service resources such as local treatment facilities, AA, NA and Al-Anon groups, insurance information, crisis support, and other services, visit RecoveryAndHope.org or click the icon below. 
  • For Catholic spiritual supports for addiction offered by our local Catholic community, please explore our Hope in Christ webpage above.