June 13, 2017

Columna del arzobispo Chaput: Piedad y patriotismo

 El 21 de junio marca el comienzo de la «Quincena por la libertad» de los obispos de los Estados Unidos que continúa hasta el día de la Independencia el 4 de julio. La quincena busca resaltar la «primera libertad» de Estados Unidos;  también busca alentar a los católicos a trabajar por la libertad religiosa, tanto […]

June 5, 2017

Archbishop Chaput’s Column: Sympathy for the Devil

The modern world makes it hard to believe in the devil. But it treats Jesus Christ the same way. And that’s the point. Medieval theologians understood this quite well.

June 5, 2017

Columna del Arzobispo Chaput: Condolencia para el diablo

El mundo moderno hace que sea difícil creer en el diablo. Pero trata a Jesucristo del mismo modo. Y ese es el punto. Los teólogos medievales entendieron esto muy bien.

May 30, 2017

Archbishop Chaput’s Column: Hard cases make bad law; bad law makes hard cases

“Hard cases make bad law:” It’s a legal principle in U.S. court decisions that dates back at least 170 years. Its origin may go back even further, to Roman jurisprudence. The idea behind it makes sense.

May 30, 2017

Columna del Arzobispo Chaput: Casos difíciles hacen mala ley; Mala ley hace casos difíciles

«Casos difíciles hacen mala ley» es un principio jurídico en las decisiones judiciales de los Estados Unidos que se remonta por lo menos 170 años. Su origen puede ir más allá, a la jurisprudencia romana.

May 10, 2017

Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: Mary, the Mother of God, the Humble, and the Sane

We live in a time of towering ironies.  Here’s a big one. For the ancient Greeks, one of the worst sins possible, and a constant theme in their drama, was hubris – the sin of overweening pride.  They understood that pride creates a peculiar form of mental illness.  People who denied the gods, or ignored […]

May 10, 2017

Columna del Arzobispo Chaput: María, la Madre de Dios, el humilde y el sensato

Vivimos en una época de enormes ironías.

May 9, 2017

Archbishop Chaput Announces Dedication of Archdiocese to the Blessed Mother in Observance of the 100th Anniversary of the Apparitions at Fatima

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia will join with all Catholic dioceses and eparchies in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in this special dedication At their recent Provincial Meeting on May 1, 2017, the Bishops of Pennsylvania voted to approve a recommendation that each Catholic diocese and eparchy in the Commonwealth be dedicated to the Blessed Mother. What […]

May 3, 2017

Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: The Land of Athanasius and its Lessons

The visit of Pope Francis to Egypt last week (April 28-29) was an act of personal courage. It also testified powerfully to his desire for religious tolerance. His visit reminds us of two things. The first – the need for mutual respect among people who seek God — is obvious. The second is rather different, but no less important.

April 27, 2017

Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: Remembering Two Anniversaries

Exactly 50 years ago this Easter season, Pope Paul VI (now Blessed Paul VI) issued his great encyclical Populorum Progressio