Press Releases
USCCB: USCCB President Calls For Emergency Collection To Assist Louisiana Flood Victims
Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Announce a New Director of Liturgical Music
Ms. Charlene Angelini has been selected as the new Director of Liturgical Music.
El Reverendísimo Edward M. Deliman Orenado al Episcopado y Servirá Como un Obispo Auxiliar Para la Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia
Hoy, el arzobispo Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. ordenó al reverendísimo Edward M. Deliman al episcopado en la Basílica Catedral de los Santos Pedro y Pablo, la iglesia madre de la Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia, en frente de una gran congregación.
Archdiocese of Philadelphia Announces Closure of Worship Sites in the City of Philadelphia as well as Chester and Montgomery Counties
Saint John of the Cross Church (Roslyn), Mater Dolorosa Church (Philadelphia) and Saint Cecilia Church (Coatesville) will no longer serve as a worship sites of Queen of Peace Parish (Ardsley), Holy Innocents Parish (Philadelphia) and Our Lady of the Rosary Parish (Coatesville), respectively, and will close as a Roman Catholic Churches.
Seminarians move-in to Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary to Kick-off 2016-2017 Academic Year
The Seminary is experiencing another enrollment increase this year and will serve 160 seminarians for 2016-2017.
Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: Some Additional Thoughts and the Elephant in the Room
In my column last week, I offered some personal thoughts about the nature of the presidential race this election season and both candidates’ removal by several light years from the experience of ordinary Americans.
Columna del Arzobispo: Algunas consideraciones adicionales – y el elefante en la habitación
En mi columna de la semana pasada, ofrecí algunas reflexiones personales sobre la naturaleza de la carrera presidencial de esta temporada de elecciones y lo alejados que están ambos candidatos, por varios años de luz, de la experiencia del estadounidense común.
Most Reverend Edward M. Deliman Ordained To The Episcopacy And Will Serve As An Auxiliary Bishop For The Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Today, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. ordained Most Reverend Edward M. Deliman to the episcopacy at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul.