Press Releases

Columna del Arzobispo Chaput: El Valor público del testimonio social católico

December 1st, 2016

La columna de esta semana es adaptada de las observaciones del arzobispo Chaput en University of Pennsylvania’s Hillel Center el 30 de noviembre.

Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: The Public Value of Catholic Social Witness

December 1st, 2016

The Archbishop took part in the public release of a report by Penn’s Program for Research on Religion and Urban Civil Society on the economic impact of Catholic ministries in the Greater Philadelphia region.

Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary To Host 29th Annual Christmas Concert And Open House

December 1st, 2016

Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary welcomes all to attend an Open House followed by an evening of religious music and prayer during this year’s Advent season at the 29th annual Christmas Concert.

Archbishop Chaput to Celebrate Mass at Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility

November 29th, 2016

The Prison Ministry Program of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia seeks to carry out the Biblical work of mercy to “visit those in prison.”

Archbishop Chaput’s Weekly Column: The Spirit Of Thanksgiving And Advent

November 23rd, 2016

We can’t really experience or understand Christmas unless we first conform our hearts to a spirit of gratitude, and then to the longing of Advent.