Archdiocese to Participate in National Day of Prayer for Peace in our Communities

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. invites all 217 parishes in the five-county Archdiocese of Philadelphia to participate in the Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities on Friday, September 9th, the Memorial of Saint Peter Claver.

This initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) responds to the pressing need for civil dialogue with regard to race relations, restorative justice, mental health, economic opportunity and gun violence. 

All are encouraged to pray on this day for the intention of peace and racial justice, with others at Mass and also in personal and devotional prayers, and to observe a voluntary fast and abstinence for peace.

The homily at Mass, with references to the biblical texts and Saint Peter Claver, may be directed to the need to pray for peace and an intention included in the Universal Prayer for peace.

The Catholic Call to Prayer hotline (1-857-232-0158  Access code: 336656), a collaborative ministry of Black Catholic Parishes in the Archdiocese, will be open for participants to call for five minutes of Scripture, reflection, intercessions and prayer. 

Additionally, the following six urban parish and Independence Mission Schools will be holding activities to observe this day: Saint Athanasius School (Philadelphia), Saint Martin de Porres (Philadelphia), Saint Raymond of Penafort (Philadelphia), Saint Rose of Lima (Philadelphia), The DePaul School (Philadelphia and Drexel Neumann Academy (Chester).

Please contact individual schools for prayer times.  Parents and community members are welcome to join.

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