St. Gabriel
Page last updated 9 months ago
Deanery: Philadelphia South and East
Founded: 1895
Address: 29th and Dickinson Sts.
Rectory Address: 2917 Dickinson St. 19146
Rectory Email: [email protected]
Rectory Phone: 215-463-4060; 215-463-4061
Rectory Fax: 215-755-2680
Web Site:
Pastor: Rev. Francis P. Foley
Other Parish Information:
Director of Parish Services: Sr. Rose Adams, I.H.M.
Phone: 215-463-4060
Parish Outreach Staff: Sr. Arleen McCann, I.H.M.
Phone: 215-334-0374
Director of Religious Education: Sr. Rose Adams, I.H.M.
Phone: 215-463-4060
Mass Times: Vigil Mass, Saturdays, 4:30 PM. Sundays, 10 AM. Vigil Mass, Holydays, 6 PM. Holydays, 9 AM. Weekdays, 6:45 AM; summer, 8 AM.
Confessions: Saturdays, 4 PM.
Grays Ferry Ave. from Schuylkill River to 28th St.; to Wharton St.; to 23rd St.; to Tasker St.; to 25th St.; to McKean St.; to Schuylkill River; to Grays Ferry Ave.