Arise: Restoring Catholic Life after the Pandemic
“He has risen; he is not here; see the place where they laid him.”
– Mark 16:6
The period the lifting of the COVID19 restrictions requires us to be ready to assist people to reintegrate into an active, in person engagement with parish life. Below you will find plentiful resources, guidelines, recommendations and directives for parishes and Archdiocesan institutions for this period. May the Holy Spirit descend upon us and conform our response to the will of Jesus Christ!
Statement Regarding Reinstating the Obligation to Attend Sunday Mass (Español)
Upcoming Events
- No events scheduled at this time
Announcements, Updates and Clarifications
- Posted April 21, 2022: Update on the Use of the Sign of Peace
- Posted April 12, 2022: Update on the Mask Mandate from the City of Philadelphia
- Posted March 29, 2022:
Posted February 25, 2022: Updated Liturgical Directives and Guidance for Ash Wednesday
Posted February 12, 2022: Update on the Celebration of the Sacraments for School Age Candidates
Liturgy and Sacraments: Guidelines, Directives and Resources
Current Archdiocesan Liturgical Directives
- Current Liturgical Directives (dated February 25, 2022; see revised note of April 12 below)
- Catechesis on the revised rubric in the Roman Missal on the Washing of Feet
- Update on the Celebration of the Sacraments for School Age Candidates (dated February 11, 2022)
- Update on the Mask Mandate from the City of Philadelphia (dated April 12, 2022)
- Update on the Use of the Sign of Peace (dated April 21, 2022)
Regarding Children’s Liturgy of the Word (dated September 15, 2021)
In many parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, the occasional Liturgy of the Word with Children on Sundays is a significant aspect of liturgical formation. It is recommended at this point, with variable protocols for mitigating the COVID-19 virus in different parts of the Archdiocese, that the Liturgy of the Word with Children be suspended until further notice. The children should attend Sunday Mass as usual with their parents and families. For your information, the current guidance for the Liturgy of the Word with Children can be found on the website for the Office for Divine Worship at
Other Liturgical and Sacramental Resources
- From the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship – Let us return to the Eucharist with joy! (English / Español)
Important article about fear and our Christian witness
Mass in Times of Pandemic
The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has issued new texts for a Mass for Various Needs and Occasions “In Time of Pandemic”. “This Mass can be celebrated, according to the rubrics given for Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions, on any day except Solemnities, the Sundays of Advent, Lent, and Easter, days within the Octave of Easter, the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day), Ash Wednesday and the days of Holy Week.”
- Click here for the Mass Propers
- Click here for a video recording of the Mass in Times of Pandemic
The Thomistic Institute, COVID19 and the Sacraments
The Thomistic Institute has helped convene a working group of infectious disease experts, medical professionals, scientists, and Catholic theologians who are in the process of developing detailed guide for how Catholic sacraments can be provided in the midst of the current pandemic, in accord with the current standards issued by the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control.
Simple Chant Melody for the “Act of Spiritual Communion” prayer
by Andrew Puntel, Guna Pantele, Reverend Monsignor Michael J. Matz, St. John Neumann Parish
This nonmensural setting of the Liguori text is optionally supported by contemporary Gospel chords suitable for organ, piano, or guitar. The song is appropriate for livestream Masses during social distancing and can become part of one’s prayer life before the Blessed Sacrament or to link the events of the day to reception of the Eucharist at Mass. The musical setting, arrangements, and all video and audio materials have been made freely available for Liturgical broadcast/streaming use in 2020.
Parish Ministries and Schools: Guidelines and Directives
Guidelines for Non-Liturgical Parish Ministries with Adults:
- Updated Recommendations for Non-Liturgical Parish Ministries with Adults (dated May 20, 2021)
Guidelines for Archdiocese of Philadelphia Catholic Schools:
- Please visit
Guidelines for CYO:
- Please see:
Guidelines for Parish Religious Education Programs (PREP/CCD):
Upcoming Arise Webinars
- No webinars scheduled at this time
Past Arise Webinars
- April 22, 2020: Introduction to the Arise Initiative (Watch the recording)
- April 30, 2020: How to Start an Electronic Communications Plan on Short Notice (Watch the recording)
- May 6, 2020: Liturgical Directives as COVID19 Restrictions Lift (Watch the recording)
- May 13, 2020: Catholic Leadership Institute’s Parish Consultants Offer (Watch the recording)
- May 27, 2020: Practical Logistics for the Restricted “Yellow” Phase (Watch the recording)
- June 3, 2020: Liturgical Singing during the Restricted “Yellow” Phase (Watch the recording)
- June 24, 2020: Practical Logistics for the Open “Green” Phase (We’re sorry, no recording is available)
- July 29, 2020: Updates and Clarifications for the Green Phase and Recommendations for Non-Liturgical Parish Ministry (Watch the recording)
- July 30, 2020: An Overview of Moving Forward: Parish Stewardship Renewal (Watch the recording)
- August 18, 2020: Guidance for the Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation in Fall 2020 (Watch the recording)
- October 22, 2020: Liturgical Directives for Advent and Christmas (Watch the recording)
- November 17, 2020: Sacraments for School-Age Children (Watch the recording)
- December 16, 2020: Getting Our Bearings in an Ever-Changing COVID Landscape (Watch the recording)
- March 10, 2021: Liturgical Directives for Palm Sunday, Holy Week and the Sacred Paschal Triduum (Watch the recording)
- May 19, 2021: Liturgical Update in Light of the Lifting of Restrictions (Watch the recording)
- August 18, 2021: Nothing Compares: How to Make an Effective Invitation with Dan Cellucci (Watch the recording)
Vaccines - Catholic Teaching and FAQs
Vaccine FAQS (Diocese of Arlington)
We are grateful to the Diocese of Arlington for this excellent summary of the Church’s teachings on COVID-19 vaccinations. They are available at the links below in English and Spanish.
Template for Letters of Objection to COVID Vaccine Pharmaceutical Companies with Contact Information
The Church teaches that while it is morally permissible for Catholics to receive COVID19 vaccines for serious reasons, it is our duty to make known our objection to the use of abortion-derived cell lines in the development of these vaccines. To assist Catholics in voicing their objections, the Catholic Medical Association has drafted a template letter which we may use to contact pharmaceutical companies, expressing our objection to the use of these morally illicit cell lines and petition them to use only morally licit materials in the future. Template letters can be found below in English and Spanish. Contact information for the pharmaceutical companies can be found on page 2 of the links below.
- Template for Letters of Objection (Courtesy of the Catholic Medical Association): Template in English / Modelo en español
More Resources
- Vatican:
- Instruction on Certain Bioethical Questions (Dignitas Personae), Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 2008. (Español)
- Note of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines (Español)
- USCCB: Answers to Key Ethical Questions about COVID-19 Vaccines and Moral Guidance on Vaccines webpage
- Statement re: Johnson and Johnson Vaccine:
- National Catholic Bioethics Center:
- Archdiocese of Philadelphia: Our Archdiocesan Office for Life and Family has launched a web-page with research and answers to ethical questions concerning COVID-19 vaccines. This page will be continuously updated as more information becomes available.
- Catholic Medical Association: Joint Statement on Vaccines and Conscience Protection (dated March 2, 2021)
- Vaccine Letter in Objection Template:
- Contact information for Letters of Objection:
Evangelization - Inviting People Home
Nothing Compares to “Being There”
- Session 1: What Should Parish Evangelization Look Like?
- Session 2: Introduction to ChristLife
- Session 3: Introduction to Evangelical Catholic
- Session 4: Introduction to Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO)
Inspiration: Returning to Mass Testimonials
The Returning to Mass videos are a compilation of testimonies from local Archdiocese of Philadelphia Catholics about their excitement to return to Mass after their prolonged fast from the Eucharist during the COVID19 restrictions. They are designed to inspire confidence and joy in returning to Mass and a sense of “rising from the tomb” with Christ as we emerge from the difficult period of lock down. Archdiocesan parishes and institutions are especially welcome to use these videos as part of their invitation to parishioners to return to church as public Masses resume.
- Returning to Mass Video in English (Captioned):
- Returning to Mass Video in Spanish (Español):
- Returning to Mass Video in Vietnamese:
Inspiration: Open Doors Video
Get a glimpse of the open doors of our local parishes as we welcome everyone back to the public celebration of the Mass. In this video, pastors and parishioners joyfully announce that the doors are open for Mass once again, culminating with a “welcome home” from Archbishop Pérez! All are welcome to use this short video clip to announce the great news that public Masses have resumed in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia the weekend of June 6 and 7.
- Open Doors video:
- Watch the series in English: - Ver todos los videos en español: - Watch the series interpreted in American Sign Language:
- Ver todos los videos en español: - Watch the series in English: - Watch the series interpreted in American Sign Language:
From the Office for the New Evangelization, Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Communications and Social Media
Updated masking policy signage from the Office for Communications:
Additional Guideline Graphics for Facebook: General Update Graphic / Update on Dispensation / Update on Masks 1 / Update on Masks 2 / Update on Social Distancing / Update on Liturgical Directives
Webinar for Parishes
Webinar: How to Set Up an Effective Electronic Communications Plan on Short Notice
This webinar is for parishes that wish to put in place a simple, effective electronic communications plan for their parish, which will enable them to communicate quickly and clearly with their parishioners during the post-pandemic period and beyond. Watch here: Click here to watch this webinar
Webinar handouts and slides:
- Mass Email Communication Slides
- Social Media Slides
- Social Media Toolkit for Parishes from the Office for Communications (coming soon)
- 8 Tips for Parish eCommunications from the Office for the New Evangelization
- List of Parish Consultants – local volunteers who can help your parish get started
- Instructions for Requesting a Grant for a New Parish Communications Account
- Sample Parish Weekly eNewsletter
- First Email to Parishioners Template (When launching your first mass email account)
- Making Your Online Communications Accessible to All (Office for Persons with Disabilities)
Resources for Electronic Communication
Arise Banners for Social Media
- Website and Email – English / Español
- Facebook – English / Español
- Twitter – English / Español
- Instagram – English / Español Email and Texting Tool for Parishes
- Website:
- YouTube video: What is FlockNote? Smarter Church Texting and Church Email Newsletters
- FlockNote training videos: Click here for the YouTube Channel
Other Mass Email Communication Tools
Tips and Instructional Videos
- 8 Tips for Parish eCommunications (Office for the New Evangelization)
- Making Your Online Communications Accessible to All (Office for Persons with Disabilities)
- FlockNote training videos: Click here for the FlockNote YouTube Channel
Resources for Restoring Parish Life
Revive Online Training for Parish Leaders
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is grateful to partner with Revive Parishes, an organization that provides online ministry training for parish leaders taught by the best and most experienced Catholic ministry practitioners in the country. Revive provides parish ministry leaders with a way to enrich their own ministry and deepen the ministry skills of fellow staff and volunteers so that they can more effectively care for the people of the parish.
- To learn more, view the course descriptions and start using Revive, visit:
Webinar: How to Set Up an Effective Electronic Communications Plan on Short Notice
This webinar is for parishes that wish to put in place a simple, effective electronic communications plan for their parish, which will enable them to communicate quickly and clearly with their parishioners during the post-pandemic period and beyond. Hosted by the Archdiocesan Office for the New Evangelization and Office for Communications.
- Watch the webinar here: Click here to watch this webinar (Supplementary materials can be found in the Communications section above)
Fundraising and Parish Finances
Parish Support Initiative
The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia has launched the Parish Support Initiative in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to help meet the needs of parishes who have been directly impacted by coronavirus. We understand that the suspension of public Masses has impacted parish communities in many ways. This initiative enables and encourages individuals to directly support their home parish, or a parish in need, during the pandemic.
Information about this initiative is also being shared by the Archdiocese as part of the live streaming broadcasts of Masses celebrated by Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul.
Those interested in donating to the Parish Support Initiative should visit, or click here.
Below are additional resources for pastors and parishioners to learn more about the Parish Support Initiative:
Resources for Persons with Disabilities and the Deaf Community
- From our Archdiocesan Office for Persons with Disabilities: Helpful Guidance for Use of Face Masks with Children and Information for Persons with Disabilities
Recursos de la Oficina para Católicos Hispanos
Boletín informativo mensual de la Oficina para Católicos Hispanos, una forma de mantenerse en comunicación con la comunidad arquidiocesana.
Página web donde encontrará informaciones de misas y parroquias que trabajan con la comunidad hispana.
Página de Facebook donde encontrará noticias diarias de la comunidad, así como la misa dominical y otras informaciones.
Otros recursos
- Herramientas para la pastoral en línea
- Recursos para la Oración, Adoración y Misa en el Hogar
- Formación en la Fe
- Recursos para Padres y Familias
- Pastoral Juvenil
- Recursos para Niños
- Recursos para personas con discapacidades y la comunidad sorda.
- Oraciones – Prayers
¿Preguntas? Email a
Restoring Basic Necessities
Nutritional Development Services (NDS) and Catholic Social Services (CSS) Family Service Centers support a network of food cupboards throughout the region for those in need, especially during the CCOVID-19 pandemic. Food is available at all cupboards while diapers are only available at CSS sites. NDS is also sponsoring feeding sites for children where parents can go to receive free breakfasts and lunches twice a week for their families. No id is required.
List of food cupboards and feeding sites for individuals, families, the elderly and children:
HOTLINE number for assistance: 215-895-3470
Catholic Housing and Community Services
Catholic Housing and Community Services (CHCS) of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia is a leading provider of senior living services throughout the Philadelphia region. Its staff provides support for seniors and their loved ones through senior programs. Programs include senior housing, senior centers, older adult care management, in-home support programs, elder care helpline, and senior clubs. CHCS’ services aim to help seniors remain in their community and to live with dignity and the highest quality of life.
Office for Life and Family Grief Support
The Office for Life and Family offers a listing of resources on grief and loss and maintains a directory of Bereavement ministries active throughout the Archdiocese
Assistance with Addiction offers a number of ways to find treatment for those suffering from the disease of addiction.
Hope in Christ: Spiritual Support for Addiction
This Archdiocesan website lists Catholic ministries and organizations that offer spiritual support and assistance for those who are struggling with addiction.
Suggested resources for this page may be sent to